It feels like things are getting complicated here.
One time the life feels like a greatest treasure while other time it feels like your absence or presence won't make a difference.
I wonder if I dont wake up tomorrow, would anyone miss this stupid guy others than my family.
Even after few months my family will get use to living without my presence.
I will be forever trapped in the time of photo.
My being once alive will be depicted only in those picture I captured to keep as memories.
I wonder if all the ego and pride we have as an individual is even useful when tomorrow is so uncertain.
Life is all about giving all you have and then residing it back if it's not responded properly.
The uncertainty of life is felt best during this covid time, we can see who really matters and who's doesnt at such time.
We have taken many things for granted because we are sure that we wont lose them and we keep on taking it for granted.
Be it our health, the norms of covid protocols and or presence of people around us.
I wish we knew what's really our purpose on this heavenly body.
I wish we could make a difference when we leave this mother earth behind.
I wish to be remembered not in people's mind but in golden words into the timeframe like those of people who made the world a little better place to live.
I wanna be remembered when I am gone for not just occupying a space in the human world but for making a difference into everyone I ever met
Mind is a temple of thousands thoughts and million stupid words to combine and make the slave body scribble it onto a piece of paper or into a mobile like how I did just now...
My brain seems to be over working this covid time.
Flooding my mind with all those thoughts and words that I am forced to scribble down on my Facebook wallpaper and my mini blog.. haha
-Thought Printed Into Words-